Monday, September 29, 2008

whats your favorite number? what does it mean?

i also forgot to metion that something really unusual has been happening in the last 3 years or so

i see 527, all the time

5/27 is my date of birth, as well as the day i was married
i just happen to look up and the clock says 5:27
thats the most routine happening

i see it in purchase totals

just last night i went to cvs and purchase a bag of orange mints and a cookie ice cream sandwich and at the last moment a skor bar

total $5.27

that happens a ton as well

i wish i new if it meant something or if its just simply a normal happening i just happen to be paying to much attention too.

i wish i was a numerologist.


Ryan said...

it means you're jim carey trying to be serious ming ming and you may be crazy and not know about a bunch of your life cause you fell out of a window or something :P

Anarchy Is The Only True Way To Live Your Life said...

we find patterns in everyday life so i say just role with it and consider yourself unique